Nicolas Oresme

T Days in Caen
Du 15.11.2010 au 16.11.2010 à Caen.

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Lundi 15 novembre 2010:

13h30-14h00 accueil (salle S3 247)
14h00-14h50 D. Gonçalves, Involutions and the Borsuk-Ulam theorem for the Seifert manifolds having geometry S3, S2xR, E3 and Nil.
15h00-15h50 E. Fominykh, Upper bounds for the complexity of torus knots complements.

15h50-16h20 pause café.

16h20-17h10 V. Vershinin, Groups connected with pure braids and Lie algebras.
17h20-18h10 L. Paris, Garside structures of FC type.

mardi 16 novembre :

09h30-10h20 A. Malyutin, Actions of mapping class groups on the circle and real line.

10h20-10h50 pause café.

10h50-11h40 G. Levitt, Mc Cool groups.

pause déjeuner.

14h00-14h50 J.B. Meilhan, Finite type invariants of string links and the HOMFLYPT polynomial of knots.
15h00-15h50 A. Vesnin, Hyperelliptic involutions of hyperbolic 3-manifolds.
16h20-17h10 V. Bardakov, Braid groups and some of their generalizations.