Atelier autour des groupes de R. Thompson.

Titres et résumés des exposés.

  • Bentalha Asma  quasipositivity.
    A quasipositive braid is a product of conjuguates of generators.It was shown that a necessary condition for an isotopy type of algebraic curve to be realizable is that a certain braid must be quasipositive.This condition becomes sufficient if we deal with a larger class of curves, the pseudoholomorphics ones.Theses questions are a part of the 16th Hilbert problem. In this paper, we give a computational algorithm which decides if a braid is quasipositive or not.We also get interesting algebraic results for all Artin groups.
  • Bruguières Alain Tresses pures, doubles tressages et invariants topologiques.'
    De manière surprenante, il apparait que les invariants d'entrelacs en rubans (et d'enchevêtrements plus généraux, dits 'turbans') associsé a une categorie tressée (plus précisément : en rubans) ne dependent en fait pas du tressage, mais seulement du double tressage (ou du 'twist'). Nous introduisons une axiomatique des doubles tressages, ou 'enlacements', de sorte que la categorie des tresses pures est la categorie 'enlacée universelle. Une categorie monoidale enlacee avec duaux C permet de construire des invariants de 'stringlinks'. Moyennant certaines conditions supplémentaires, C définit des invariants d'entrelacs en rubans et de 'turbans'. Il se trouve que la presentation de type Kirby de la categorie des cobordismes entre surfaces fermees, utilisée pour construire la TQFT de Turaev, utilise des enchevêtrements qui sont tous 'turbans'. Les categories enlacées devraient donc donner lieu à  de nouveaux invariants topologiques en basse dimension.
  • Dehornoy Patrick Geometric presentations of Thompson's groups
    Starting from the observation that Thompson's groups F and V are the geometry groups respectively of associativity, and of associativity together with commutativity, we deduce new presentations of these groups. These presentations naturally lead to introducing a new subgroup of V and a torsion free extension of the latter. We prove that these new groups are the geometry groups of associativity together with the law x(yz) = y(xz), and of associativity together with a twisted version of this law involving self-distributivity, respectively.
  • Digne François The word problem in Artin groups of affine type A.
    The standard presentation of infinite Coxeter groups does not provide normal forms for the elements of the associated Artin group. Using a dual presentation analogous to the Birman-Ko-Lee presentation of the braid group we get a nice monoid whose group of fractions is the affine Artin group of type An. This monoid has Garside properties and, so, gives normal forms for the elements and a solution to some centralizer problems.
  • Eliahou Shalom  Sur le diamêtre du graphe des rotations
    L'exposé porte sur un théorème et une conjecture de Sleator, Tarjan et Thurston concernant le diamêtre du graphe des rotations des arbres binaires à n sommets internes. Je montrerai comment traduire le problème en termes de permutations, et décrirai une famille de paires d'arbres binaires qui, expérimentalement, semblent être diamétralement oppos&eavute;s.
  • Funar Luis  Extensions of the Thompson group by the infinite braid group.
    This is joint work with Christophe Kapoudjian, reporting on recent progress concerning some group which links Thompson groups and the mapping class groups, following Greenberg, Sergiescu, Dehornoy, Brin. Our main question is whether the universal mapping class group of infinite genus is finitely presented. In a previous work by the same authors we answered affirmatively the case of the universal mapping class group of genus zero. At an intermediary stage between the genus zero and the infinite genus there is a new extension of the Thompson group T by the infinite braid group (which is split over Thompson group F) which is distinct from the groups considered by Brin and Dehornoy, though as it seems a simplified version of the Greenberg-Sergiescu acyclic extension. It has an elementary definition as a group of homeomorphisms acting on a infinitely punctured surface. Our main result is that this group (and its various generalizations) is finitely presented.
  • Kassel Christian From Sturmian morphisms to the braid group B(4) .
    (joint work with Christophe Reutenauer, UQAM, Montreal) The group Aut(F2) of automorphisms of the free group F2 on two generators a and b contains the monoid St of positive automorphisms consisting of those automorphisms that send a and b onto words involving only positive powers of a and b. Positive automorphisms preserve an important class of infinite words in a and b, called the Sturmian sequences. (Sturmian sequences occur in various fields such as number theory, ergodic theory, dynamical systems, computer science, crystallography.) We are interested in a submonoid St0 of index two in St, which we call the special Sturmian monoid. We show that this submonoid of Aut(F2) can be realized naturally as a submonoid of the braid group B_4 of braids with four strands. We use this to relate the groups B_4 and Aut(F2) in a precise way. We also give a new criterion for two words u and v to form a basis of F2.
  • Kapoudjian Christophe Extensions des groupes de Thompson.
    On discutera les diverses relations connues à ce jour entre les groupes de Thompson (V ou T) et les groupes de tresses, ou apparentés aux tresses. On développera notamment le cas de l'extension de V par un groupe de "quasi-tresses", résultant d'une action explicite de V sur un espace de configuration de points.
  • Kourline Vitaly An explicit description of compressed logarithms of all Drinfeld associators.
    We have completely realized the programme announced at the previous braid meeting in Autran (June 1-4, 2004). A Drinfeld associator is a key tool in computing the Kontsevich integral of knots. Roughly speaking, a Drinfeld associator is a series in two non-commuting variables, satisfying highly non-trivial algebraic equations: hexagons and pentagon. The logarithm of a Drinfeld associator lives in the Lie algebra L3 generated by the symbols a,b,c modulo [a,b]=[b,c]=[c,a]. We have found the images of the logarithm of all Drinfeld associators in the quotient L3/[[L3,L3],[L3,L3]].
  • Marco Miguel  Equivalency of braid monodromy of line arrangements.
    The goal of this talk is to apply braid monodomy technics to the topological study of line arrangements. We construct two ordered arrangements conjugated in Q(\sqrt 5) having different braid monodromies (the notion of equivalent braid monodromies will be explained). Finite representation of pure braid groups in the main tool to check the non-equivalency of braid monodromies.
  • Wiest Bert On the complexity of braids.
    We define a measure of complexity of a braid which is natural with respect to both an algebraic and a geometric point of view. Algebraically, we modify the standard notion of the length of a braid by introducing generators which are Garside-like half-twists involving strings i through j. The geometrical complexity is some natural measure of the amount of distortion of the n times punctured disk caused by a homeomorphism. Our main result is that the two notions of complexity are comparable. We also show how to recover a braid from its curve diagram in polynomial time, and we prove that every braid has a sigma1-consistent representative of linearly bounded length. The key role in the proofs is played by a technique introduced by Agol, Hass, and Thurston.

Eddy Godelle

Dernière mise à  jour : jeudi 9 septembre 2004.